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Showing posts from August, 2012

June Goal Update!

I have been trying to look back at my past goals in order to make sure that there is not anything important that I forgot to do... After re-reading June's goal list (see below) I have found that I actually was able to accomplish most of the things that I set out to do. I listed to an audio book that I got from the library, The 100 Ways to Bring Out Your Best I read MORE then 2 books (Including 50 Shades of Grey!) I spent a multitude of time with family and friends, including a 3 day weekend celebrating          my grandma's birthday, and a week at Cub Lake with friends on the boat! I hit my Earning Goal of $1,000 for Surveys and I am on track for another good month! June Goals Re-commit to the  Money Saving Mom's   4 Weeks to Organized Challenge Try 1 New Recipe Each Week, Including Homemade Pizza Pockets Listen to at Least 1 Audio Book Read 2 Books, Hopefully 1 of them is  50 Shades of Grey,  I keep hearing Wonderf...

Quote of The Week

This is how I choose to live my life.... Pink may not be my favorite color, but I do believe that it brings out the best in girls.

Sponsored Review - Family Night with Kroger

I was recently given the privilege of being part of a BzzAgent Campaign and I was given a multitude of items to try from the Kroger Family of Foods. They included water enhanced with vitamins, tortilla chips, popsicles, and frozen pizza.  I have found that all of these items match up to their nationally branded competitors, bite for bite - if not better! My favorite by far has been the vitamin water.  The flavor was outstanding, and thirst quenching.  I am so excited to go back to the store and grab some more!  The price is so much better then other brands, and even though there are not as  many flavors, I feel that the flavors they do have are much better blended then some other brands I have seen. The tortilla cup chips are also wonderful.  I have had them at a friend's party with Mexican dip and we were able have so much more dip and flavor on our chips then wit a regular chip.  I also recently had them with chili ...

Dollars and Sense Sunday, 4

Now that I am back on the money saving train, and focusing on my long term goals and plans I am here to share one more tidbit that I find helpful. Don't always believe that "One Day Sales" won't be there tomorrow.  Whether they are in the same location or not is one thing, but to think that if you don't buy today you will never have another chance, is just a way to make money off of you. For today only....  we will offer you this $2,500.00 bedroom set for $999.00...   Remember to ask yourself, how much is it at another store? How much do I really  need it in the first place?  Am I absolutely in love with this model?  Do I then get the floor model with all of the scratches and other people jumping around on it? Usually if you have a sales person trying to pressure you in to a sale it is because they know that once you walk out the door and do your research that you will find something better, or less expensive, or both.  They need to make sur...

Everybody's Working for the Weekend...

... And in the business I am in, this is GREAT news! I have 3 weddings this weekend, and a birthday party to celebrate 70 years young! Being in the party world gives me me a sense of contentment.  I am able to help people celebrate the things that are most important in their lives, and I get to enjoy once in a lifetime moments almost every weekend.   In between work I plan to spend time with my litter, and get some reading done.  Hopefully I get an email from the library soon letting me know my reserved book in ready for me to pick up, because I am going stir crazy waiting to find out what happens to Ana & Christian ;) I hope that you are spending the weekend with your loved ones, and enjoying what is important to you!

Pin of the Week

Heading into the weekends we are always looking for something fun to do, good to read, or exciting to see.  I have been a Pinterest follower for the past few months, but I found that I was too busy pinning to actually do anything that I found.  I took a hiatus from the addicting website, along with almost everything else in the computer world over the last 2 months, but I am now back on Pinterest, and ready to share some of my pins.  Hopefully we can all learn something new, try some fun things, and maybe start new lifestyles in the meantime. So for the 1st "Pin of the Week" I have decided to show you how easy it is to make Homemade Foaming Hand Soap, for a FRACTION of the cost of store bought.  I figure that I should start out as easy and possible, and we can work our way up from there! Homemade Foaming Hand Soap I have some free time tonight so I am going to try this out, and I will report back next week, along with a new Pin!

August Goals

I have always known, and frequently re-learn the fact that if I make goals and lists for myself, then I get so much more accomplished.  I have a plan for the day, and I do not spend as much time as I would just reading and watching TV. I have been making it a priority to make myself a to-do list for the next day before I fall asleep at night.  This allows me to wake up knowing what I need to accomplish throughout the day.  I have found that without this guidance I waste so much time in the morning getting my day started, and deciding what I need to do first, or even what I need to do at all. I have been slacking off the last couple of weeks making my list of goals for the days, weeks, and months that have passed by.  Therefore, I put together a list of goals for August.  I hope that I am able to complete all of them before month's end! *Read 2 Books (Hopefully the Library has 50 Shades Freed available soon!) *Work Out 3x per Week *Finalize Room Arran...

8 Weeks Later....

I just realized that I fell off the face of the blog world 8 weeks ago!   I was finally starting to get back on track with organizing, cleaning, and work when I just forgot how to manage my time! Over the last weeks I have made so many memories, enjoyed so much time with family and friends, and traveled to Denver, Cub Lake, Cedar Point, and back home again!  I have celebrated my 4th Wedding Anniversary to the man of my dreams as well as my grandma's 80th Birthday!  I have welcomed a great nephew (Jerry) , an amazing 2nd cousin (Brock), and a beautiful little friend (Sirena) into the world!  And last, but not least, I have decided that I am perfectly at peace with my life, no matter what comes my way. Now that July is finally behind us and August is starting anew, so are my new hopes, dreams, and goals!  I will share them as they become closer to reality, and I have a plan of action on how to handle everything. For this month I am hoping to stop in at leas...