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Today I learned a lot about perspective, and that I need to step into the shoes of others every once and while so that I am able to recognize the trials and tribulations that everyone goes through.   I don't want to be judge just on what people think that they know about me, so why do I not offer the same courtesy to others? As I go to sleep this evening I remember to take care of myself, and not to focus on so many other people, but on myself and my family. What is your perspective on life today?!


I gave up Starbucks Coffee for Lent this year, only to realize that it was so much more then expensive coffee that I was giving up.  Starbucks dates are my favorite time spent with my husband, and after being gone in Vegas I decided that Starbucks was right where we needed to be.  I gave in and we headed to our local Starbucks on Saturday night, where we spent 3 hours talking, laughing, and just catching up!  Do you have  a special spot that you can just reconnect with your significant other?

Learning about Catering, and Myself!

Last week I was in Las Vegas, attending CaterSource Catering Convention. I learned so many things about myself, my work, and the people that I am surrounded by.  Some good and some bad, but all have helped me to realize more of what I want for my life. Over the last year I have realized how important it is to take the time to make these realizations.  I need to know the my strengths so I can keep them going.  I need to know my weaknesses so that I can work them.  I also need to know my goals.  Even if they are ever-changing goals, I still need to know them.  If I am walking through my days just hoping for the best then I never know if I get anywhere. I have realized that as much as I used to love doing surveys that I have now found them to tedious.  I would much rather be part of focus groups and interviews.  Not only do they make more money for my time investment, but they also do not take constant attention, whether it be daily or weekly. Last w...

Schick Hydro Razor

I was recently sent a Schick Hydro Silk Raxor to try for free, along with an extra cartridge. I have so far loved this razor.  Even if I do not shave every day (and be honest...who shaves every day in the winter) I get silky smooth results from this razor when I use it.  I also have not yet had to change the cartridge on this razor, and it is working wonderfully! I have had fewer cuts, which is a huge bonus for a klutz like me, and my legs have been more hydrated from the moisturizing serum that is on the razor. All in all I recommend this razor to any and every woman out there who is still looking for their perfect, go-to razor!

Book Notes 1 - "The Good Life for Less"

I just started reading The Good Life for Less  by Amy Allen Clark. I am still in the first chapter and have already found some amazing, simplistic ideas.  The kind that make you think "Why didn't I think of that!?" As I continue through this book I plan to make some posts about some ideas that I find different, challenging, and hopefully helpful - for me AND for you! The first that I came across was the idea of using the latte factor  to your advantage.  It just so happens that this goes along wonderfully with the fact that I have given up Starbucks for Lent.... (only 39 days to go!). Many of us have heard of the latte factor  from different sources over the last few years.  It tries to show us how much our habits can end us costing us in the long run.  It is named after the fact that many people don't think about how much their latte is costing them down the road, they just hand over the $3.80 each morning.  A year down the road they...

Unanswered Prayers

As I sit here tonight I started thinking about my life and what it has become over the past 10 years.... I started my career 10 years and 3 weeks ago, only 17 years old, still in high school, and a mind full of dreams and planning a lifetime of fun.   I had to complete a mentorship with at least 8 hours per week working in a business field that I was interested in pursuing in my future.  I wasn't allowed to work in a bar or club at the time because I was only 17, so I settled  for a position in a banquet hall. I was so upset that I couldn't do what I actually wanted and I kept counting down the days until I would be finished, and then something crazy happened... I realized how much fun I was having.  I got to help plan parties, attend weddings, make cash tips on Friday nights working coat check.... it was wonderful. On the last day of my mentorship I was asked to take over as the office assistant, as the current assistant was taking a position with another co...

Finding Peace

When I tell people that I work at a banquet hall they immediately reply "how fun!"  I admit, most of the time it is fun, it is enjoyable, and it is helping people have the best time of their lives.... And then there are days like today... Standing in the back of the ballroom watching a mother and father take the podium to thank all of their family, friends, and friends of their son.  Their son that they have just watched be put into the ground.  Their son who was far to young to be taken away.  Their son who was still a child, and still had hopes, dreams, ambitions, and what should have been a lifetime to make them all come true.  Their son. With tears rolling down my cheeks I thanked God for the time that I have had and told him that I cherish every minute that he gives me, even if I forget to thank him sometimes... I pray that his family and friends find peace, and that he is watching down on each and everyone of them as they remember him and ...

No is NOT a Bad Word

Sometimes it's ok to say no.  Whether it is based on our beliefs, feelings, thoughts, or just because we want to say no.  It's one of the best things about growing up - being able to make our own decisions.  We are not going to always choose the right answer, but we are going to choose the one that is right for us at the time we decide.   At this time I have decided to say NO to one of my own goals.  I thought it was right when I planned it, but the more I try to accomplish it the harder it is for me to enjoy the time I have at home. The goal was to complete 31 Days to a Martha House, The Mary Way.   While the eBook is laid out well, has a great flow, and is probably amazingly helpful for some people - it is just not working for me. I find the tasks overwhelming for me.  Today's task was to clean out all of my cupboards.  Do you know how many cupboards I have, AND what they look like?!   Remember just my pantry.... It would take...

Keep Connected

My husband travels a lot, and so we don't always have the same relationship that many spouses share with each other. We have time on the phone that we like to talk, tells jokes, talk about our day, etc. and then we have other times when we are both too busy so a quick text "good night, xoxo" is all that gets passed between us. Last week was an extremely long travel week and I have made it my goal to make sure that he knows that I love and appreciate that he gives up time with our "kids" so that we can live a more comfortable life, and we can enjoy the finer things in life. As I was looking back through the text messages that I have sent this week I have laughed and laughed at the crazy pictures I take, but I know that he was laughing too, and I know that he was enjoying getting to see pictures of the kids, and knowing that we all love him, no matter how far away he is. Which kid do you think is the most photogenic? (and PLEASE don't judge me by t...

Happy Groundhogs Day!

Did you wake up this morning to see if the ground hog saw his shadow? Sometimes we just have to find the joy in still being a kid and believing in all the stories we were told, even if just for a moment....

Time Flies....

....When You Don't Pay Attention! It's hard to realize just how fast time goes when we are just focusing on getting things done and checking something off our to-do list. This works great when it has been a long week at work and we just want to get out of there and enjoy some time for us and our family.  On the other hand we need to remember to focus on the here and now and remember to enjoy things, even if our to-do list doesn't get done. I visited with Sean's family last weekend for the annual family reunion.  Sean was out of town and didn't get to enjoy, but I made an effort to go visit without him, and I am so glad that I did.   Once we all got to talking I realized that we haven't seen his cousin since they adopted their baby girl.... 3 YEARS AGO! Another cousin has graduated high school and works for a top rated Michigan radio station.... I'm still picturing him as a little 8th grader! Weddings are being planned, families growing, and ever...

Cash, Friend or Foe?

I have been listening to Dave Ramsey for quite some time, after some gentle  urging from my husband to get on board with him and his financial outlook.   Now that we are on the same page, and working through our debt snowball (which will be finished by the end of 2013 with our current habits) I have decided that "hey, this guy really does  know what he is talking about and I should put more faith into ALL of his ideas." This all boiled to down to CASH.  I despise CASH.  I am nervous to carry it around with me, I feel like I should use it all right away, and I forget to actually use my change so after a while my purse weighs a few extra pounds ;)  I have gone to a cash only budget and quickly given up after running out of money within the first week.  Since I am more of a "I want it NOW" kind of girl my debit card has always come in handy during these moments. Now that it is a new year I had this great idea that I should follow the principles laid...

2013 Goals

Another year has come and gone...  Memories have been made, Laughs Shared, and Countless Moments have Slipped by - Did you make the most of each of them? As the new year rings in I have made my list of goals so that I can be more intentional in my living, and accomplish more for myself and my litter.  I am hoping to create less stress  Stick to Monthly Budget/Use Cash Read 1 Non-Fiction Book Every Month        Along with Additional Fictional Novels 1 Baking Project Every Month 1 New Recipe Every Month Complete Couch to 5K and Run a 5k Race Pay Off Home Equity Line Make Homemade Gift for Holiday List Be More Prepared & Organized for Holiday Season Finish Resume Updates Yoga 1x/Week Re-organize/Decorate Office Area Re-organize closets & cabinets 1 Date Out per Month with Sean In order to be more organized and be better at ...